Modern Dentistry

Dentistry has made many advanced over the years. As technology improves so does modern dentistry. There are some tools and other items that can be used to treat the patients and even combat some of the modern dental problems. These techniques are also less invasive and will cause less pain.
This is a new technology that the dentist can use to detect early signs of cavities. The device uses sound impulses and lasers to detect cavities at their earliest stage. This device can also get harder to reach areas in the mouth so the dentist can detect and treat right away.
Clear Braces
Brace at one time used to be big metal wiring that goes throughout the mouth. Now many braces are clear and cannot be detected. This will allow teens and adults that do not want others to know they are having treatment to straighten their teeth without it being visible.
Digital X-Rays
When a person needs to have an x-ray performed on their mouth they may be concerned about the level of radiation and discomfort that they are experiencing. Digital radiographs use a sensor to capture images of the mouth. These images will then be projected onto the computer screen. A dentist can view them within a matter of seconds. They can also be printed off if needed. This technique uses 90 percent less radiation than other methods of taking x-rays.
Dental Filling Material
There are various dental filling materials such as Dentemp that can help fill lost fillings of caps. The material is also less toxic and will set within a matter of minutes. It is durable and will look like the color of a real tooth.
These are some of the great features of modern dentistry like dental implants. These techniques are less invasive and they can be used to correct many oral problems.

Modern Dentistry